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Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC)

Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) is a valued part of the Scots College curriculum. The ability to spend time outdoors, allowing students to discover and learn through their own experiences, is a fundamental part of our All-Round education.

Junior School (Years 1-6)

The Junior School EOTC experience offers students a chance to gain new knowledge and understanding, skills and abilities, and attitudes, as well as build on those they already have.

Throughout the school year, all year groups will have the opportunity to participate in day trips that are related to their Unit of Inquiry, visiting various museums or sites around the city.

Once a year, Junior School students are involved in overnight stays away from home, which ask them to become increasingly independent and self-sufficient. In recent years, these trips have included the following:

  • Year 1 – Range of activities around Wellington, no overnight stay
  • Year 2 – Range of activities around Wellington, with overnight stay at school
  • Year 3 – Range of activities around Wellington, with overnight stay at school
  • Year 4 – Camp Kaitoke
  • Year 5 – Camp Wainui
  • Year 6 – Camp Kaitoke
“I liked being able to walk in nature where it was fresh and peaceful. It was lovely listening to all the birds singing.”
— Year 5 Student

Middle and Senior Schools

Every year during Week 7 Term 1, all students in Years 7-13 participate in Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) week. The goal of this week is to provide students with the opportunity to discover and learn through time outdoors, while also building connections with their peers and teachers. This is an essential part of the All-Round education.

College students experience overnight and week-long camps in the different natural environments that we are fortunate to have here in Aotearoa/New Zealand. We offer ākonga a taste of, and hopefully a love for, the great outdoors, along with the confidence and skills necessary to tackle new situations and challenges.

  • Year 7 – Day activities around Wellington and an overnight at Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre with a focus on Culture & Identity
  • Year 8 – Makahika Outdoor Pursuits Centre, camping, rogaining, and learning bush craft skills
  • Year 9 – Rotoiti Lodge Activity Centre, tramping and camping on the banks of Lake Rotoiti
  • Year 10 – Whanganui River Raft, or Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Queen Charlotte Walk
  • Year 11 – Education Pathways course options in Wellington, including NZ Campus of Innovation & Sport
  • Year 12 – A choice of one of four destinations: Tongariro National Park OPC, Coromandel OPC, TRIYA Sailing Wellington, or Raglan Rock Adventure
  • Year 13 – Activities in Wellington with a focus on skills for Learning For Life, or Geography/Business Rotorua Trip
“[It was] great to see some of the students really stepping out of their comfort zones, and for the new students, this was a great opportunity to get to know lots of new people.”
— Teacher in Charge