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The Scots College Football Club offers a variety of options for football players of all levels to give football and go and work towards a football future after secondary school. The club hosts teams from Years 7 through to Years 13. The Club’s leading Junior Under 15 A and Senior 1st XI teams have had great success in the regional and national tournaments.

The Scots College Football Club provides opportunities for training both team and individualised players. The club also has national and international club relationships, offering opportunities for more experienced players to play club football in addition to College football. These relationships lead to students being able to compete in international tournaments, exchanges, and support towards study or future player pathways.

Tottenham Hotspur and Scots College announced a partnership in 2020 that allows young footballers, female and male, to learn from this world leading Football Club. From 2021, Tottenham Hotspur’s global football development team has worked alongside the College’s own football coaches, using renowned methods taken directly from the Tottenham Hotspur Academy, in order to maximise the potential of young players. The players train regularly in Term 2 with the Tottenham coach, three mornings a week.

Junior Teams
The Football Club Year 7 and 8 programme runs in Terms 2 and 3, where our young players train on Thursday afternoons and play school fixtures throughout the school terms. These fixtures are mid-week games against other colleges.

Scots has four U15 teams entered in the CSW competiton. All of these teams have a qualified coach and manager, who is a staff member of the College and can coordinate between the club and school.

Senior Teams
Players moving up from the junior team and development squads have the opportunity to play for the College’s top five teams: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd XI Boys, and 1st and 2nd XI Girls. Players in this age group will have the opportunity to play both school and club football with good management from players and coaching staff. If there is demand for a social XI, the College happily facilitates this for the players.


International Football Club Associations:

Scots College Football Club has ties with international football clubs and encourages players at an advanced or elite skill level to play both college and club football with good management from players and coaching staff.

US Scholarship
Scots College have a very good link with US Colleges; this is a fantastic pathway for young players after they leave Scots College to carry on their studies at a high level and also play football within the US College system.


Staff Contacts

Martin Bueno
Head of Football Coaching and Performance
[email protected]

Will Struthers
Chair, Scots College Football Club